Pound Cake without Egg. It seemed like a Steamed Bread.

Pound cake

Today, we tried an pound cake without egg. The pound cake was made of soy milk and baking powder instead of an egg.


Regarding a done pound cake, it didn’t rise well. It looked like a steamed bread and tasted as well.

Pound Cake without Egg Recipe (Ingredients)

# Ingredients Gram (g) Calories (kcal) Costs (Yen) Remarks
1 Soy milk 50 23 11  
2 Sugar 50 194 ¥15  
3 White sesame oil 20 184 32  
4 Flour 50 184 ¥10  
5 Baking Powder 2 3 ¥10  
  Total 172g 588kcal 78 yen  

Above Calories and Costs are approximately.

Pound Cake without Egg Recipe (Procedure)

(1) Put 50g soy milk, 40g sugar and 20g oil into a bowl and mixed them with a hand mixer for a few minutes.

(2) Put 50g flour into the bowl of (1), then mixed with a hand mixer for about a few minutes again. The dough was done. It looked pure white because of no egg.

(3) The dough was poured into a pan of pound cake. Then tapped bottom of the pan from five to ten times in order to remove bubbles inside.

(4) Put pan into an oven preheated at 180 °c. The cake was baked for 20 minutes, then that was baked at 160 °c for more 10 minutes.

(5) Finally, we took the cake from the pan then cooling. The pound cake didn’t rise well. That looked like a steamed bread and tasted as well.


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